New York’s Groundbreaking Climate Leadership Legislation

New York’s Groundbreaking Climate Leadership Legislation

by  Peter Capek In July of 2019, New York’s legislature passed an important and forward-thinking law which puts the state at the forefront of action and policy to respond to climate change.  The law acknowledges the reality of the state of our environment, mandates appropriate responses by government and industry, and encourages and motivates action where it can’t be forced. …

Building for the Future – Low Carbon

Building for the Future – Low Carbon

By: Bob DeAngelis The Earth is facing a critical moment: climate change and the severe weather it causes are upon us.  Examples include the recent record highs on the West Coast: Portland at 116 F, Seattle at 108 F, Canada’s all time high at 121 F, and the devastating floods from torrential rains in Germany and Belgium causing many deaths.  …

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