Earth Day in Croton 1970: Then and Now

By: Patty L. Buchanan As a life-long resident of Croton-on-Hudson, I recall with quaint amusement Croton’s first Earth Day celebration 50 years ago. Residents of the community were invited to gather at the Municipal Building. We were asked not to come in fossil fueled vehicles; instead we were encouraged to use our imaginations and arrive by alternative transportation. I was…

Leveraging the Coronavirus Carbon Dividend

By: Patty L. Buchanan In the face of unprecedented challenges, let us join together in seeing unprecedented opportunities for better living. When we overcome the virus situation, we will still be facing an environmental crisis. We learn daily from the news about the interconnectedness of dramatic carbon emission reductions during social distancing and the concomitant economic slowdown. At the same time, health…

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