Can Cryptocurrency Harm The Environment YES!

Can Cryptocurrency Harm The Environment YES!

By Laura Kosbar Let’s start with some basics – like what is cryptocurrency and how does it differ from other currencies?  Most currencies up until now were issued and backed by a specific nation.  Cryptocurrency is an entirely digital currency that is not associated with or controlled by any nation, bank, or other financial institution.  It is entirely virtual.  The…

The REAL Cost of Airline Travel

The REAL Cost of Airline Travel

By Laura Kosbar  Are you feeling safe to travel again, and ready to go on a special vacation or a long awaited family reunion?  Well, here are a few things to consider as you plan your itinerary, in order to make your trip not only enjoyable, but considerate of our planet as well. Data from the EPA indicates that transportation…

Community Solar – What it is and how it works

By: Laura Kosbar Image Credit: Sustainable Westchester Community Solar If you live in the Town of Yorktown, you may have recently received a letter indicating that the Town is enrolling its eligible electric accounts in Sustainable Westchester’s Community Solar program, and suggesting that residents consider participating in this program as well. For many people, this may be the first time that you…

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