The Demise of Gas Powered Leaf Blowers

The Demise of Gas Powered Leaf Blowers

By Sarah Wilson Gas powered leaf blowers (“GLBs”) are more detrimental to the environment than you would think and are responsible for an astounding amount of pollution.  A 2011 study by Edmunds found that a two-stroke gasoline-powered leaf blower released more pollution than a 6,200-pound Ford F-150 SVT Raptor pickup truck.  Jason Kavanagh, the engineering editor at Edmunds at the…

The REAL Cost of Airline Travel

The REAL Cost of Airline Travel

By Laura Kosbar  Are you feeling safe to travel again, and ready to go on a special vacation or a long awaited family reunion?  Well, here are a few things to consider as you plan your itinerary, in order to make your trip not only enjoyable, but considerate of our planet as well. Data from the EPA indicates that transportation…

Freedom, Rights, and the Environment

Freedom, Rights, and the Environment

Author: Bob DeAngelis We are very fortunate to live in a country that values and protects our “freedom” .  But what does that mean as it relates to valuing and protecting our health and the environment?   Do people have a right to clean and safe air, water, and food?  Do future generations have the same rights?  Are there limits…

Heat Pumps and the Future of the “Grid”

Heat Pumps and the Future of the “Grid”

Author:  Robert DeAngelis As we transition away from fossil fuels, we will rely more heavily on renewable electricity and our electric grid.  We will migrate our cars and home heating systems to clean grid-supplied electricity.  Geothermal or air source heat pumps are the best current options for home heating.  You may wonder what impact will the added electrical usage have? …

Beyond the Three Rs

Beyond the Three Rs

By Sarah Wilson We’re all familiar with the three Rs associated with waste:  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.  But there are more “Rs” that we can adopt to help us achieve a zero-waste, sustainable lifestyle.     According to The World Counts, humans produce more than 2 billion tons of waste every year. Annie Leonard, creator of the animated 2007 film “The Story of…

New York’s Groundbreaking Climate Leadership Legislation

New York’s Groundbreaking Climate Leadership Legislation

by  Peter Capek In July of 2019, New York’s legislature passed an important and forward-thinking law which puts the state at the forefront of action and policy to respond to climate change.  The law acknowledges the reality of the state of our environment, mandates appropriate responses by government and industry, and encourages and motivates action where it can’t be forced. …

Building for the Future – Low Carbon

Building for the Future – Low Carbon

By: Bob DeAngelis The Earth is facing a critical moment: climate change and the severe weather it causes are upon us.  Examples include the recent record highs on the West Coast: Portland at 116 F, Seattle at 108 F, Canada’s all time high at 121 F, and the devastating floods from torrential rains in Germany and Belgium causing many deaths.  …

Make it and take it!

By: Bob DeAngelis I believe we can fix some significant environmental issues by placing responsibility in the right place.  What I am proposing is a major change, but it is what is needed.  If you have a better idea, I would sincerely like to hear it.  The proposal for manufactured products is:  If you make it, you have to take…

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