Cut Carbon From Your Couch
By: Sheryl Goldberg
I’ve been worrying about the curve for many years…

I even took steps to do my part. When my oil burner started complaining, I knew I didn’t want to make an emergency decision on a replacement. I helped it limp along for about 1 ½ years. I had an energy audit. I tried to develop a comprehensive plan that was affordable. I did my research and took a leap to install a geothermal heat pump. Now, I bask in my environmentally friendly climate control, await my tax rebates and breathe cleaner air!
Now we all are worried about this curve…
We continue to do our part to help flatten the curve and are studying the data closely to keep the trends going in the right direction. WE HAVE TO DO THE SAME FOR THE CLIMATE CURVE! But now we are stuck at home. That’s why we have developed our Couch, Carbon Cutting campaign.

We can flatten the Climate Curve from the comfort of our couch! Here are a few simple things you can do without leaving home that can result in measurable carbon savings!
Be Safe, Be Well, B-20

If you currently heat your home with oil, switching to B-20, which is 20% biofuel as opposed to the standard B-5, can reduce your heating carbon footprint by 9-12%! That’s a significant carbon reduction by making a simple switch. In addition, you can get up to $200 in rebates. Ask yourself, WHY NOT?
Very few oil companies carry B-20 so Croton100 is currently working on a competitive pricing / incentive program with Robison Fuel. We need 15 interested Croton residents to solidify this deal. No commitments are needed at this point, only an expression of interest! If you are interested in making the switch to B-20 Heating Oil, then contact Sheryl Goldberg: [email protected]
Save with LEDs

LED lights save a substantial amount of electricity. By switching out your old incandescent bulbs, you can reduce your electricity usage by 80% or more! And now you can order LED bulbs from the comfort of your couch at a SUBSTANTIAL discount from the ConEdison marketplace. I just purchased 8 light bulbs for just over $8.00 as a ConEdison customer. This is an instant carbon saver as well as a $ saver.
At the marketplace, you can search for light bulbs and many other electrical appliances (TVs, refrigerators, washers, tablets, hot water heaters) at a great discount, all delivered to your home! WHO KNEW?
Track Your Carbon Cutting Savings
If you make any of these Couch, Cutting Carbon switches be sure to record your carbon savings on our Carbon Tracker!