Innovations In Solar Technology

By: Anuj Kapoor When people think of solar power, most of the time they think of the traditional, common solar panel technologies. These include the solar panels fixed into a rooftop, or the large arrays of solar panels in large open spaces. However, there are many newer solar technologies that will revolutionize the way we think about not just solar,…

Community Solar – What it is and how it works

By: Laura Kosbar Image Credit: Sustainable Westchester Community Solar If you live in the Town of Yorktown, you may have recently received a letter indicating that the Town is enrolling its eligible electric accounts in Sustainable Westchester’s Community Solar program, and suggesting that residents consider participating in this program as well. For many people, this may be the first time that you…

Eating meatless while “On the Go”

By: Sarah Wilson A recent article in these pages featured the Meatless Monday movement.  Meatless Monday is a global movement that encourages people to reduce meat in their diet for their health and the health of the planet.  Our region is filled with great local restaurants who can provide us with satisfying plant-based meals.  But what are your options when…

Compost: The Dirty Details

By: Nadya Hall & Phyllis Bock What is compost? Compost is made of decayed organic material and can be used to enrich soil in gardens, potted plants, and landscaping. ‘Organic material’ is a fairly broad category, but in this context it typically means food scraps and yard waste. Food scraps (along with grass clippings and coffee grounds) are called ‘greens’,…

Greening Our Space

By: Bill Stoiber In last year’s hit movie “Marriage Story” Adam Driver, a transplanted New Yorker, is informed:  “You can actually have space in LA!”. Here in Yorktown, maybe that “space” is taken for granted, but, more often than not, if one is a homeowner, one’s living area might be mapped out by that most basic of suburban expediencies:  the…

Stepping Towards a Sustainable Lifestyle

By: Cyril Cabral Jr. It is up to all of us to take steps, no matter how small, toward making the planet cleaner, safer and healthier, for us and for future generations.  Today’s article is about the miracle of light emitting diode (LED) technology.  This article, as well as all other articles sharing practical tips, are filed on our website…

Can your dinner tonight help save our planet?

By: Sarah Wilson Image Credit: Meatless Monday The choices we make every week and every day regarding the food we purchase and eat can have a direct impact on global warming.   Our diets are, in part, exacerbating the problem of climate change.  By shifting our diets toward plants and away from meat we can not only improve our health but…

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