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Food is Medicine for Ourselves and Our Planet

By: Dhruv Gupta* Water Usage per EPA; Burger water use per Wall Street Journal, Jan.11, 2008; We can heal ourselves and our planet through our food. I will expand in this post under three...

Reining in the Juggernaut of Global Warming

By: Patty L. Buchanan The month of October reminds me of the need to take action urgently and galvanize around climate education and advocacy.  It was two years ago — October 2018 — that global...

The Beginning of the End of Fossil Fuels

By: Chandu Visweswariah The writing is on the wall: we are witnessing the beginning of the end of fossil fuels (as well as the beginning of the end of the internal combustion engine)! Fossil fuels are...

Compost: The Dirty Details

By: Nadya Hall & Phyllis Bock What is compost? Compost is made of decayed organic material and can be used to enrich soil in gardens, potted plants, and landscaping. ‘Organic material’ is a fairly...

Let There Be Light: Saving Green By Going Green

By: Joel Gingold When you drive around Croton at night, the streetlights probably look pretty much the same to you as they did several years ago. But you’re missing the green behind the glow. A few...

How Bad Is It? How Can We Make It Better?

By: Patty L. Buchanan The climate crisis is escalating because carbon emissions from fossil fuels that stay in the atmosphere for decades are heating our world to unprecedented temperatures, bringing...

Your Next Car Should be an Electric Vehicle

By: Sarah Wilson When we measure the carbon footprint of an average household in Yorktown, transportation is typically the largest contributor to carbon emissions. In the United States as a whole...

Be Part of the Carbon Reduction Solution: Drive Electric

By: Patty L. Buchanan Image by: The extreme weather events roiling the West, blowing down trees and buildings across the prairies and flooding the lowlands in the United States...

Give Carbon a Seat at the Table

By: Chandu Visweswariah We live in a topsy-turvy world. Increasingly, from world affairs to local matters, we put the cart before the horse, opinion is more important than fact, echo chambers serve...

Our House is on Fire and the School is Buying Another Gas Bus

By: Patty L. Buchanan   Here are a few of this week’s news headlines:  “The Effects of Climate Change, Including Wildfires, Threaten U.S. Financial Markets, a Federal Report Found,” “Wildfires and...

Greening Our Space

By: Bill Stoiber In last year’s hit movie “Marriage Story” Adam Driver, a transplanted New Yorker, is informed:  “You can actually have space in LA!”. Here in Yorktown, maybe that “space” is...

Our Car Lexicon is Changing

By: Chandu Visweswariah Something profound is happening right in front of our eyes. Our very language around the topic of cars is changing. Gone are the days when you can tell a...

Success: Power to Croton People!

By: Patty L. Buchanan Have you heard the electrifying news?  Croton’s Community Solar Project achieved full enrollment for 53 households in Croton, zip code 10520!  The participants will save 10% on...

Stepping Towards a Sustainable Lifestyle

By: Cyril Cabral Jr. It is up to all of us to take steps, no matter how small, toward making the planet cleaner, safer and healthier, for us and for future generations.  Today’s article is about the...

My Sustainability Misconception

By: Jolie Wasserman* The Croton100 Carbon Tracker Increases Awareness of How Sustainably You Actually Live and Steps You Can Take to Reduce Your Emissions! I thought I lived sustainably because I...

Can your dinner tonight help save our planet?

By: Sarah Wilson Image Credit: Meatless Monday The choices we make every week and every day regarding the food we purchase and eat can have a direct impact on global warming.   Our diets are, in part...

Beer Produced by Net Zero Energy Anyone?

By: Steve Bluestone* The process of brewing beer consumes a LOT of energy. But, if one tweaks the process a bit and adds in a bit of solar, it can be achieved with net zero energy. That’s the lofty...

The Moral Imperative to Live a Negative Carbon Lifestyle

By: Chandu Visweswariah Would you knowingly harm your child? Of course not! What about your grandchild? Same answer. What about your grandchild’s children and grandchildren? This concept is echoed in...

Understanding Our Carbon Budget for 1.5 Degrees C of Warming

By: Chandu Visweswariah Graphic by Prof. Rob Jackson of Stanford A very interesting paper entitled “An assessment of Earth’s climate sensitivity using multiple lines of evidence” was published in...

Stepping towards a Better Environment – Install Rooftop Solar NOW

By: Robert DeAngelis Do you have a sunny roof?  Would you like to get 8-15% average annual return on your investment?  Would you like to help the environment?  Would you like to be more independent?...

Climate Induced Migration Brings a Moral Call to Action

By: Patty L. Buchanan* Scientists are able to measure and quantify the perilous rise in global mean temperatures caused by greenhouse gases.  Using climate models, they can predict risks to...

Stepping towards a Better Environment – Converting to Clean Elect

By: Laura Kosbar While many of the changes you may need to make to reduce your carbon footprint – such as getting a more fuel efficient or electric vehicle, upgrading your heating/cooling...

Croton100’s Growing Impact is Seeded in CURE100

By: Patty L. Buchanan Croton100 continues to grow in impact!  In addition to galvanizing our community through education and advocacy around carbon cutting campaigns, Croton100’s model to pair...

Yorktown100 plans for a greener future

By: Katherine Borchert Yorktown100, a group of Yorktown residents, aims to reduce the town’s carbon emissions by 100 percent by 2040. “Green-house gas emissions have risen dramatically...

Stepping Towards a Better Environment

By: Robert DeAngelis Let’s make the world a cleaner, safer and healthier place. Like Michael Jackson said many years ago, we need to look at the “man in the mirror.” Why blame someone else, or wait...

Power to the People: Community Solar Comes to Croton!

By: Leo Wiegman* What is Community Solar? Solar for the rest of us. New York State is a leader in adopting clean energy policy innovations with the most aggressive climate change program in the...

B-20 Home Heating Oil Enters the Inflection Point Conversation

By: Sheryl Goldberg They say we’ve reached an inflection point in our society.  But what does that mean?  An inflection point is the point at which the data starts trending in the opposite direction...

Onwards: The Path Forward for an Electric School Bus

By:  Patty L. Buchanan How can we be working so hard to educate the upcoming generation to take their place in a world that they may not be able to thrive in?  More precisely how can we, in a School...

When You Save Energy, You Save Money

By Patty L. Buchanan We just took steps to reduce our energy consumption.  This means we’ll also save money.  My husband and I recently completed a three-day laser focused home energy efficiency...

When is the Best Time to Buy an Electric Vehicle?

By: Susan Sammon Have you noticed? There are many more electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid cars cruising around town lately. This is encouraging news for our planet, as replacing a gas-powered car with...

Croton100 Carbon Tracker: Peering Behind the Curtain

By: Leo Wiegman Or how I stopped worrying and learned to love my data! “If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.” — Lord Kelvin   “The environment and climate change are the most critically...

Leaning into Rapid and Unprecedented Changes

By: Patty L. Buchanan Making necessary changes in all aspects of our society to avoid catastrophic climate disruption requires rapid and unprecedented actions.  Implementing these actions can be...

Composting 101: It’s Way Easier (and less gross) Than You Think

By: Kathleen M. Reddy-Guidry You instantly begin to reduce your carbon footprint when you start an outdoor compost. It reduces waste, reduces carbon emissions, and is good for the land. Compost is...

Your Mother’s Day Good Deed: Join Electric School Bus Campaign

By: Patty L. Buchanan Today, as we pay tribute to all mothers, let us give special consideration to the sustainer of all our lives, Mother Earth.  The national climate stability advocacy...

From a Vicious Cycle to a Virtuous Cycle

By: Chandu Visweswariah The 21st century will witness a series of profound macro-economic decoupling forces. Traditional wisdom has it that the more advanced and prosperous an economy, the more energy...

Cut Carbon From Your Couch

By: Sheryl Goldberg I’ve been worrying about the curve for many years I even took steps to do my part. When my oil burner started complaining, I knew I didn’t want to make an emergency decision on a...

Earth Day in Croton 1970: Then and Now

By: Patty L. Buchanan As a life-long resident of Croton-on-Hudson, I recall with quaint amusement Croton’s first Earth Day celebration 50 years ago. Residents of the community were invited to...

Leveraging the Coronavirus Carbon Dividend

By: Patty L. Buchanan In the face of unprecedented challenges, let us join together in seeing unprecedented opportunities for better living. When we overcome the virus situation, we will still be...

Croton100’s Progress in the Midst of the Coronavirus

By: Patty L. Buchanan Welcome to Croton100’s first blog post! Follow this page for news about Croton100’s activities and actions that are percolating in the broader climate stability space. This week...
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